2024 Legacy Review

2024 Legacy Review

The 2024 Legacy Review is a comprehensive evaluation of the progress made towards achieving the goals of the 2024 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The review will assess the progress made in all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets, as well as the means of implementation and global partnerships.

The review will be conducted by an independent group of experts and will be presented to the United Nations General Assembly in 2024. The review will provide valuable insights into the progress made towards achieving the SDGs, and will help to identify areas where further action is needed.

The 2024 Legacy Review will be a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. The review will provide valuable insights into what has worked well and what needs to be improved, and will help to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community.

2024 Legacy Review

The 2024 Legacy Review will be a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. The review will provide valuable insights into what has worked well and what needs to be improved, and will help to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community.

  • Independent expert review
  • Assesses progress on all 17 SDGs
  • Reviews means of implementation
  • Examines global partnerships
  • Presented to UN General Assembly
  • Informs future action on SDGs
  • Provides valuable insights
  • Identifies areas for improvement
  • Ensures SDGs remain a priority

The 2024 Legacy Review will be a critical milestone in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The review will provide a comprehensive assessment of the progress made towards achieving the SDGs, and will help to ensure that the international community remains committed to achieving these ambitious goals.

Independent expert review

The 2024 Legacy Review will be conducted by an independent group of experts. The experts will be selected for their expertise in sustainable development and their experience in conducting independent reviews. The experts will be from different regions of the world and will represent a range of disciplines.

  • Objectivity and impartiality: The independent experts will be objective and impartial in their assessment of the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. They will not be influenced by any political or financial interests.
  • Credibility and legitimacy: The independent experts will be credible and legitimate in the eyes of the international community. They will have a strong track record of achievement and will be respected for their expertise.
  • Diverse perspectives: The independent experts will represent a diverse range of perspectives. They will come from different regions of the world and will have different backgrounds and experiences. This will ensure that the review is comprehensive and inclusive.
  • Transparency and accountability: The independent experts will be transparent and accountable in their work. They will publish their findings and recommendations in a timely manner, and they will be available to answer questions from the public.

The independent expert review will be a critical part of the 2024 Legacy Review. The experts will provide an objective and impartial assessment of the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. Their findings and recommendations will help to inform future action on the SDGs and will help to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community.

Assesses progress on all 17 SDGs

The 2024 Legacy Review will assess the progress made towards achieving all 17 SDGs. The review will examine the progress made on each of the 169 targets associated with the SDGs. The review will also assess the progress made on the means of implementation and global partnerships.

  • Comprehensive assessment: The review will provide a comprehensive assessment of the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. The review will cover all 17 SDGs and all 169 targets.
  • Evidence-based: The review will be based on evidence from a variety of sources. The experts will review data from governments, international organizations, and civil society organizations. They will also conduct field visits and consult with experts in the field.
  • Objective and impartial: The experts will be objective and impartial in their assessment of the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. They will not be influenced by any political or financial interests.
  • Forward-looking: The review will not only assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs, but it will also make recommendations for future action. The experts will identify areas where further progress is needed and will recommend ways to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs.

The 2024 Legacy Review will be a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. The review will provide a comprehensive and evidence-based assessment of the progress made on all 17 SDGs. The findings and recommendations of the review will help to inform future action on the SDGs and will help to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community.

Reviews means of implementation

The 2024 Legacy Review will review the progress made on the means of implementation for the SDGs. The means of implementation are the resources and mechanisms that are needed to achieve the SDGs. This includes financial resources, technology, capacity building, and partnerships.

  • Financial resources: The review will assess the progress made in mobilizing financial resources for the SDGs. This includes both domestic and international financial resources.
  • Technology: The review will assess the progress made in developing and transferring technology for the SDGs. This includes both hard technologies, such as infrastructure and machinery, and soft technologies, such as knowledge and skills.
  • Capacity building: The review will assess the progress made in building the capacity of developing countries to achieve the SDGs. This includes building the capacity of governments, businesses, and civil society organizations.
  • Partnerships: The review will assess the progress made in building partnerships for the SDGs. This includes partnerships between governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and international organizations.

The 2024 Legacy Review will provide a comprehensive assessment of the progress made on the means of implementation for the SDGs. The review will identify areas where further progress is needed and will recommend ways to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs.

Examines global partnerships

The 2024 Legacy Review will examine the progress made in building global partnerships for the SDGs. Global partnerships are essential for achieving the SDGs. They bring together governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and international organizations to work towards common goals.

  • Multi-stakeholder partnerships: The review will assess the progress made in building multi-stakeholder partnerships for the SDGs. These partnerships bring together a diverse range of actors to work towards common goals.
  • North-South partnerships: The review will assess the progress made in building North-South partnerships for the SDGs. These partnerships bring together developed countries and developing countries to work towards common goals.
  • South-South partnerships: The review will assess the progress made in building South-South partnerships for the SDGs. These partnerships bring together developing countries to work towards common goals.
  • Public-private partnerships: The review will assess the progress made in building public-private partnerships for the SDGs. These partnerships bring together governments and businesses to work towards common goals.

The 2024 Legacy Review will provide a comprehensive assessment of the progress made in building global partnerships for the SDGs. The review will identify areas where further progress is needed and will recommend ways to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs.

Presented to UN General Assembly

The 2024 Legacy Review will be presented to the United Nations General Assembly in 2024. The General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking, and representative organ of the United Nations. It is composed of all 193 Member States of the United Nations.

  • High-level visibility: Presenting the review to the General Assembly will give it a high level of visibility and ensure that it is considered by world leaders.
  • Global accountability: Presenting the review to the General Assembly will hold governments accountable for their progress towards achieving the SDGs.
  • Opportunity for dialogue: Presenting the review to the General Assembly will provide an opportunity for dialogue between governments, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders on the progress towards achieving the SDGs.
  • Call to action: Presenting the review to the General Assembly will send a strong message that the international community is committed to achieving the SDGs and that further action is needed.

The 2024 Legacy Review will be a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. Presenting the review to the General Assembly will give it a high level of visibility and ensure that it is considered by world leaders. The review will provide an opportunity for dialogue between governments, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders on the progress towards achieving the SDGs. The review will also send a strong message that the international community is committed to achieving the SDGs and that further action is needed.

Informs future action on SDGs

The 2024 Legacy Review will inform future action on the SDGs. The review will provide valuable insights into what has worked well and what needs to be improved. The findings and recommendations of the review will help to shape future policies and programs on the SDGs.

  • Evidence-based decision-making: The review will provide evidence-based information to support decision-making on the SDGs. This information will help governments, businesses, and civil society organizations to make informed choices about how to allocate resources and design programs.
  • Identification of gaps and challenges: The review will identify gaps and challenges in the implementation of the SDGs. This information will help to prioritize future action and to develop strategies to overcome these challenges.
  • Tracking progress: The review will provide a baseline against which future progress on the SDGs can be tracked. This information will help to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority and that progress is being made towards achieving them.
  • Accountability and transparency: The review will promote accountability and transparency in the implementation of the SDGs. The findings and recommendations of the review will be made public and will be used to hold governments and other stakeholders accountable for their progress on the SDGs.

The 2024 Legacy Review will be a critical opportunity to inform future action on the SDGs. The review will provide valuable insights into what has worked well and what needs to be improved. The findings and recommendations of the review will help to shape future policies and programs on the SDGs and will help to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community.

Provides valuable insights

The 2024 Legacy Review will provide valuable insights into the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. The review will assess the progress made on all 17 SDGs and all 169 targets. The review will also assess the progress made on the means of implementation and global partnerships.

The review will provide insights into what has worked well and what needs to be improved. The review will identify gaps and challenges in the implementation of the SDGs. The review will also provide recommendations for future action.

The insights from the review will be valuable for governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders. The insights will help to shape future policies and programs on the SDGs. The insights will also help to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community.

The 2024 Legacy Review will be a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. The review will provide valuable insights into what has worked well and what needs to be improved. The findings and recommendations of the review will help to shape future action on the SDGs and will help to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community.

Identifies areas for improvement

The 2024 Legacy Review will identify areas for improvement in the implementation of the SDGs. The review will assess the progress made on all 17 SDGs and all 169 targets. The review will also assess the progress made on the means of implementation and global partnerships.

The review will identify gaps and challenges in the implementation of the SDGs. The review will also identify areas where further progress is needed. The review will make recommendations for future action to address these gaps and challenges.

The recommendations from the review will be valuable for governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders. The recommendations will help to shape future policies and programs on the SDGs. The recommendations will also help to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community.

The 2024 Legacy Review will be a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. The review will identify areas for improvement in the implementation of the SDGs. The findings and recommendations of the review will help to shape future action on the SDGs and will help to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community.

Ensures SDGs remain a priority

The 2024 Legacy Review will help to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community. The review will provide a high-level assessment of the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. The review will also identify areas for improvement and make recommendations for future action.

  • Accountability and transparency: The review will promote accountability and transparency in the implementation of the SDGs. The findings and recommendations of the review will be made public and will be used to hold governments and other stakeholders accountable for their progress on the SDGs.
  • Political commitment: The review will help to build political commitment to the SDGs. The findings and recommendations of the review will be presented to the United Nations General Assembly, which is the main deliberative, policymaking, and representative organ of the United Nations.
  • Public awareness: The review will help to raise public awareness of the SDGs. The findings and recommendations of the review will be widely disseminated and will be used to educate the public about the importance of the SDGs.
  • Resource mobilization: The review will help to mobilize resources for the SDGs. The findings and recommendations of the review will be used to advocate for increased financial and technical support for the SDGs.

The 2024 Legacy Review will be a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs and to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community. The review will provide valuable insights into what has worked well and what needs to be improved. The findings and recommendations of the review will help to shape future action on the SDGs and will help to ensure that the SDGs are achieved by 2030.


The following are some frequently asked questions about the 2024 Legacy Review:

Question 1: What is the purpose of the 2024 Legacy Review?
Answer: The purpose of the 2024 Legacy Review is to assess the progress made towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to identify areas for improvement.

Question 2: Who will conduct the 2024 Legacy Review?
Answer: The 2024 Legacy Review will be conducted by an independent group of experts.

Question 3: When will the 2024 Legacy Review be conducted?
Answer: The 2024 Legacy Review will be conducted in 2024.

Question 4: What will the 2024 Legacy Review assess?
Answer: The 2024 Legacy Review will assess the progress made on all 17 SDGs and all 169 targets. The review will also assess the progress made on the means of implementation and global partnerships.

Question 5: How will the 2024 Legacy Review be used?
Answer: The findings and recommendations of the 2024 Legacy Review will be used to inform future action on the SDGs.

Question 6: Why is the 2024 Legacy Review important?
Answer: The 2024 Legacy Review is important because it will provide a comprehensive assessment of the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. The review will also identify areas for improvement and make recommendations for future action.

The 2024 Legacy Review is a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs and to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community.

The following are some tips for following the 2024 Legacy Review:


The following are some tips for following the 2024 Legacy Review:

1. Stay informed about the review process. The United Nations website will provide regular updates on the progress of the review. You can also follow the review on social media.

2. Engage with the review process. There will be several opportunities for stakeholders to engage with the review process. You can submit written comments to the independent group of experts. You can also participate in online discussions and events.

3. Use the findings of the review to inform your work. The findings and recommendations of the review will be valuable for governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders. You can use the findings of the review to inform your policies, programs, and activities.

4. Advocate for the SDGs. The 2024 Legacy Review is an opportunity to raise awareness of the SDGs and to advocate for their achievement. You can use the findings of the review to advocate for increased financial and technical support for the SDGs.

The 2024 Legacy Review is a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs and to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community. By following these tips, you can stay informed about the review process, engage with the review process, use the findings of the review to inform your work, and advocate for the SDGs.

The 2024 Legacy Review is a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. The review will provide valuable insights into what has worked well and what needs to be improved. The findings and recommendations of the review will help to shape future action on the SDGs and will help to ensure that the SDGs are achieved by 2030.


The 2024 Legacy Review is a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The review will provide valuable insights into what has worked well and what needs to be improved. The findings and recommendations of the review will help to shape future action on the SDGs and will help to ensure that the SDGs are achieved by 2030.

The 2024 Legacy Review will be conducted by an independent group of experts. The review will assess the progress made on all 17 SDGs and all 169 targets. The review will also assess the progress made on the means of implementation and global partnerships.

The findings and recommendations of the review will be presented to the United Nations General Assembly in 2024. The review will provide a high-level assessment of the progress made towards achieving the SDGs. The review will also identify areas for improvement and make recommendations for future action.

The 2024 Legacy Review is a critical opportunity to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs and to ensure that the SDGs remain a priority for the international community. The review will provide valuable insights into what has worked well and what needs to be improved. The findings and recommendations of the review will help to shape future action on the SDGs and will help to ensure that the SDGs are achieved by 2030.

We must all work together to achieve the SDGs. The SDGs are a blueprint for a better future for all. They are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Let us all commit to working together to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

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