2024 Physician Fee Schedule

2024 Physician Fee Schedule

The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) is a major regulation that will impact the way physicians are reimbursed for their services. The PFS is updated annually by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and outlines the payment rates for a wide range of medical services.

The 2024 PFS includes a number of changes from the previous year, including:

  • An increase in payments for primary care services
  • A decrease in payments for some surgical procedures
  • A new payment model for chronic care management

These changes are designed to address the challenges facing the healthcare system, including the rising cost of care and the need to improve the quality of care.

2024 Physician Fee Schedule

The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) is a major regulation that will impact the way physicians are reimbursed for their services. Here are 9 important things to know about the 2024 PFS:

  • Increases payments for primary care services
  • Decreases payments for some surgical procedures
  • Introduces a new payment model for chronic care management
  • Updates payment rates for over 3,000 services
  • Aims to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services
  • Addresses the challenges of the rising cost of care
  • Promotes the use of telehealth services
  • Supports the transition to value-based care
  • Enhances payment accuracy and transparency

The 2024 PFS is a complex regulation with a wide range of implications for physicians and other healthcare providers. It is important to understand the changes included in the PFS in order to prepare for the upcoming year.

Increases payments for primary care services

The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) includes a number of changes designed to increase payments for primary care services. These changes are intended to address the challenges facing primary care physicians, including low reimbursement rates and a shortage of providers.

One of the most significant changes in the 2024 PFS is the introduction of a new payment model for primary care services. This model, known as the Primary Care First (PCF) model, is designed to reward primary care physicians for providing comprehensive and coordinated care to their patients. Under the PCF model, physicians will receive a monthly payment for each patient they care for, regardless of the number of services provided.

In addition to the PCF model, the 2024 PFS also includes a number of other changes that will increase payments for primary care services. These changes include:

  • An increase in the base payment rate for primary care visits
  • An increase in the payment rate for complex chronic care management services
  • A new payment code for behavioral health integration services

These changes are expected to result in a significant increase in payments for primary care services. This increase in payments is intended to help primary care physicians provide better care to their patients and to encourage more physicians to enter the field of primary care.

Decreases payments for some surgical procedures

The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) also includes a number of changes that will decrease payments for some surgical procedures. These changes are intended to address the rising cost of healthcare and to promote the use of more cost-effective treatment options.

One of the most significant changes in the 2024 PFS is a decrease in the payment rate for total knee replacements. This procedure is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States, and the cost of the procedure has been rising steadily in recent years. The decrease in the payment rate is intended to slow the growth of spending on total knee replacements.

In addition to the decrease in the payment rate for total knee replacements, the 2024 PFS also includes a number of other changes that will decrease payments for surgical procedures. These changes include:

  • A decrease in the payment rate for some cataract surgeries
  • A decrease in the payment rate for some spinal surgeries
  • A decrease in the payment rate for some cancer surgeries

These changes are expected to result in a significant decrease in payments for surgical procedures. This decrease in payments is intended to help slow the growth of healthcare spending and to promote the use of more cost-effective treatment options.

Introduces a new payment model for chronic care management

The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) introduces a new payment model for chronic care management (CCM). CCM is a service that helps patients with multiple chronic conditions manage their care. It includes a range of services, such as:

  • Developing a care plan
  • Monitoring the patient’s condition
  • Providing education and support
  • Coordinating care with other providers

The new CCM payment model is designed to encourage physicians to provide more comprehensive and coordinated care to their patients with chronic conditions. Under the new model, physicians will receive a monthly payment for each patient they manage, regardless of the number of services provided.

The new CCM payment model is expected to improve the quality of care for patients with chronic conditions and to reduce the cost of care. By providing physicians with a financial incentive to provide more comprehensive and coordinated care, the new model is expected to lead to better outcomes for patients and lower costs for the healthcare system.

The new CCM payment model is a significant change from the previous payment system. Under the previous system, physicians were paid for each individual service they provided. This led to a fragmented and inefficient system of care, in which patients often saw multiple different providers for their different chronic conditions.

The new CCM payment model is designed to address these problems by providing physicians with a financial incentive to provide more comprehensive and coordinated care. By doing so, the new model is expected to improve the quality of care for patients with chronic conditions and to reduce the cost of care.

Updates payment rates for over 3,000 services

The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) updates payment rates for over 3,000 services. These updates are based on a number of factors, including the cost of providing the service, the complexity of the service, and the value of the service to patients.

One of the most significant changes in the 2024 PFS is an increase in the payment rate for primary care services. This increase is intended to address the challenges facing primary care physicians, including low reimbursement rates and a shortage of providers.

In addition to the increase in the payment rate for primary care services, the 2024 PFS also includes a number of other changes to payment rates for specific services. These changes include:

  • An increase in the payment rate for some preventive services
  • A decrease in the payment rate for some surgical procedures
  • A new payment code for behavioral health integration services

These changes are expected to have a significant impact on the way physicians are reimbursed for their services. It is important for physicians to understand these changes in order to prepare for the upcoming year.

The 2024 PFS is a complex regulation with a wide range of implications for physicians and other healthcare providers. It is important to understand the changes included in the PFS in order to prepare for the upcoming year.

Aims to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services

The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) includes a number of changes that are designed to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services. These changes include:

Increasing payments for primary care services

Primary care physicians play a vital role in the healthcare system by providing preventive care, managing chronic conditions, and coordinating care for patients. The increase in payments for primary care services is intended to encourage more physicians to enter the field of primary care and to provide more comprehensive and coordinated care to their patients.

Decreasing payments for some surgical procedures

Some surgical procedures are overused and can be safely replaced with less invasive and less expensive treatments. The decrease in payments for some surgical procedures is intended to discourage the overuse of these procedures and to promote the use of more cost-effective treatment options.

Introducing a new payment model for chronic care management

Chronic conditions are a major driver of healthcare costs. The new payment model for chronic care management is designed to encourage physicians to provide more comprehensive and coordinated care to their patients with chronic conditions. By doing so, the new model is expected to improve the quality of care for patients with chronic conditions and to reduce the cost of care.

Updating payment rates for over 3,000 services

The payment rates for over 3,000 services have been updated in the 2024 PFS. These updates are based on a number of factors, including the cost of providing the service, the complexity of the service, and the value of the service to patients. The goal of these updates is to ensure that physicians are fairly compensated for the services they provide.

These changes are expected to have a significant impact on the way healthcare services are delivered in the United States. By focusing on improving the quality and efficiency of care, the 2024 PFS is expected to lead to better outcomes for patients and lower costs for the healthcare system.

Addresses the challenges of the rising cost of care

The rising cost of healthcare is a major challenge facing the United States. The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) includes a number of changes that are designed to address this challenge, including:

Decreasing payments for some surgical procedures

Some surgical procedures are overused and can be safely replaced with less invasive and less expensive treatments. The decrease in payments for some surgical procedures is intended to discourage the overuse of these procedures and to promote the use of more cost-effective treatment options.

Introducing a new payment model for chronic care management

Chronic conditions are a major driver of healthcare costs. The new payment model for chronic care management is designed to encourage physicians to provide more comprehensive and coordinated care to their patients with chronic conditions. By doing so, the new model is expected to improve the quality of care for patients with chronic conditions and to reduce the cost of care.

Promoting the use of telehealth services

Telehealth services can be a more cost-effective way to deliver care than in-person visits. The 2024 PFS includes a number of changes that are designed to promote the use of telehealth services, including increasing payments for telehealth services and expanding the range of services that can be provided via telehealth.

Supporting the transition to value-based care

Value-based care is a healthcare delivery model that focuses on providing high-quality care at a lower cost. The 2024 PFS includes a number of changes that are designed to support the transition to value-based care, including increasing payments for performance-based measures and providing more flexibility in how physicians can deliver care.

These changes are expected to have a significant impact on the way healthcare is delivered in the United States. By focusing on reducing costs and improving the quality of care, the 2024 PFS is expected to help slow the growth of healthcare spending and to improve the health of Americans.

Promotes the use of telehealth services

Telehealth services can be a more cost-effective and convenient way to deliver care than in-person visits. The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) includes a number of changes that are designed to promote the use of telehealth services, including:

Increasing payments for telehealth services

The 2024 PFS increases payments for a number of telehealth services, including video visits, phone visits, and remote patient monitoring. This increase in payments is intended to make telehealth services more affordable for patients and providers.

Expanding the range of services that can be provided via telehealth

The 2024 PFS expands the range of services that can be provided via telehealth to include a wider range of medical and behavioral health services. This expansion is intended to make it easier for patients to access the care they need, regardless of their location.

Making it easier for patients to access telehealth services

The 2024 PFS makes it easier for patients to access telehealth services by removing some of the barriers to telehealth use. For example, the 2024 PFS eliminates the requirement for patients to have a face-to-face visit with their provider before receiving telehealth services.

Supporting the development of telehealth infrastructure

The 2024 PFS includes a number of provisions that are designed to support the development of telehealth infrastructure. For example, the 2024 PFS provides funding for the development of telehealth networks and for the purchase of telehealth equipment.

These changes are expected to have a significant impact on the use of telehealth services in the United States. By making telehealth services more affordable, accessible, and convenient, the 2024 PFS is expected to lead to increased use of telehealth services and to improved access to care for patients.

Supports the transition to value-based care

Value-based care is a healthcare delivery model that focuses on providing high-quality care at a lower cost. The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) includes a number of changes that are designed to support the transition to value-based care, including:

  • Increasing payments for performance-based measures

The 2024 PFS increases payments for performance-based measures, which are measures of the quality and efficiency of care. This increase in payments is intended to encourage physicians to provide high-quality care and to reduce unnecessary costs.

Providing more flexibility in how physicians can deliver care

The 2024 PFS provides more flexibility in how physicians can deliver care. For example, the 2024 PFS allows physicians to use telehealth services and other innovative care delivery models to provide care to their patients.

Enhancing payment accuracy and transparency

The 2024 PFS includes a number of provisions that are designed to enhance payment accuracy and transparency. For example, the 2024 PFS requires physicians to report more detailed information about the services they provide, and it provides patients with more information about the costs of their care.

These changes are expected to have a significant impact on the transition to value-based care in the United States. By providing financial incentives for high-quality care, providing more flexibility in how physicians can deliver care, and enhancing payment accuracy and transparency, the 2024 PFS is expected to help improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services.

Enhances payment accuracy and transparency

Payment accuracy and transparency are essential for a well-functioning healthcare system. The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) includes a number of changes that are designed to enhance payment accuracy and transparency, including:

  • Requiring physicians to report more detailed information about the services they provide

The 2024 PFS requires physicians to report more detailed information about the services they provide, including the time spent on each service and the level of complexity of the service. This information will be used to ensure that physicians are paid accurately for the services they provide.

Providing patients with more information about the costs of their care

The 2024 PFS requires physicians to provide patients with more information about the costs of their care, including the cost of the services they are receiving and the cost of any prescription drugs they are taking. This information will help patients make informed decisions about their care.

Making it easier for patients to compare the costs of different providers

The 2024 PFS makes it easier for patients to compare the costs of different providers by requiring providers to publicly report their prices for a range of common services. This information will help patients find the most affordable care for their needs.

These changes are expected to have a significant impact on payment accuracy and transparency in the healthcare system. By requiring physicians to report more detailed information about the services they provide, providing patients with more information about the costs of their care, and making it easier for patients to compare the costs of different providers, the 2024 PFS is expected to lead to more accurate and transparent payments for healthcare services.


The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) is a complex regulation that will impact the way physicians are reimbursed for their services. Here are some frequently asked questions about the 2024 PFS:

Question 1: What are the major changes in the 2024 PFS?
Answer 1: The major changes in the 2024 PFS include an increase in payments for primary care services, a decrease in payments for some surgical procedures, a new payment model for chronic care management, and a number of changes designed to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services.

Question 2: How will the 2024 PFS impact my practice?
Answer 2: The impact of the 2024 PFS on your practice will depend on the types of services you provide. If you provide a lot of primary care services, you may see an increase in your payments. If you provide a lot of surgical procedures, you may see a decrease in your payments. You should also be aware of the new payment model for chronic care management and the changes designed to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services.

Question 3: How can I prepare for the 2024 PFS?
Answer 3: There are a number of things you can do to prepare for the 2024 PFS, including: reviewing the changes in the PFS, understanding how the changes will impact your practice, and making any necessary changes to your practice.

Question 4: Where can I find more information about the 2024 PFS?
Answer 4: You can find more information about the 2024 PFS on the CMS website.

Question 5: Who can I contact if I have questions about the 2024 PFS?
Answer 5: You can contact your local Medicare contractor if you have questions about the 2024 PFS.

Question 6: When does the 2024 PFS go into effect?
Answer 6: The 2024 PFS goes into effect on January 1, 2024.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the 2024 PFS. For more information, please visit the CMS website or contact your local Medicare contractor.

The 2024 PFS is a significant change to the way physicians are reimbursed for their services. It is important to understand the changes in the PFS and how they will impact your practice. By preparing for the changes, you can ensure that your practice is well-positioned to succeed in the future.


Here are a few tips to help you prepare for the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS):

Tip 1: Review the changes in the PFS
The first step to preparing for the 2024 PFS is to review the changes in the PFS. You can find a summary of the changes on the CMS website or by contacting your local Medicare contractor.

Tip 2: Understand how the changes will impact your practice
Once you understand the changes in the PFS, you need to assess how they will impact your practice. Consider the types of services you provide and how the changes will affect your payments. You should also consider the changes designed to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services.

Tip 3: Make any necessary changes to your practice
If the changes in the PFS will significantly impact your practice, you may need to make some changes to your practice. For example, you may need to change the mix of services you provide or the way you deliver care. You should also consider investing in new technologies or training to improve the quality and efficiency of your care.

Tip 4: Stay informed about the PFS
The PFS is a complex regulation that is constantly changing. It is important to stay informed about the PFS so that you can be prepared for any changes that may impact your practice. You can stay informed by reading the CMS website, subscribing to newsletters, or attending webinars.

By following these tips, you can prepare for the 2024 PFS and ensure that your practice is well-positioned to succeed in the future.

The 2024 PFS is a significant change to the way physicians are reimbursed for their services. It is important to understand the changes in the PFS and how they will impact your practice. By preparing for the changes, you can ensure that your practice is well-positioned to succeed in the future.


The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) is a significant change to the way physicians are reimbursed for their services. The PFS includes a number of changes that are designed to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services, address the challenges of the rising cost of care, and promote the use of telehealth services and value-based care.

The main points of the 2024 PFS include:

  • An increase in payments for primary care services
  • A decrease in payments for some surgical procedures
  • A new payment model for chronic care management
  • Updates to payment rates for over 3,000 services
  • Changes to promote the use of telehealth services
  • Changes to support the transition to value-based care
  • Enhancements to payment accuracy and transparency

These changes are expected to have a significant impact on the way healthcare is delivered in the United States. By focusing on improving the quality and efficiency of care, addressing the challenges of the rising cost of care, and promoting the use of telehealth services and value-based care, the 2024 PFS is expected to improve the health of Americans and slow the growth of healthcare spending.

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