Magnet Hospitals List By State 2024

Magnet Hospitals List By State 2024

The Magnet Recognition Program® is a prestigious designation awarded to healthcare organizations that demonstrate excellence in nursing care. Hospitals that achieve Magnet status are recognized for their commitment to providing high-quality patient care, fostering a positive work environment for nurses, and promoting professional development.

The Magnet Recognition Program® is administered by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). To achieve Magnet status, hospitals must undergo a rigorous evaluation process that includes an extensive self-assessment and a site visit by a team of ANCC-appointed appraisers.

The Magnet Recognition Program® is a highly competitive program, and only a small percentage of hospitals achieve Magnet status. In 2024, only 6% of hospitals in the United States have achieved Magnet status.

Magnet Hospitals List By State 2024

The Magnet Recognition Program® is a prestigious designation awarded to healthcare organizations that demonstrate excellence in nursing care. Hospitals that achieve Magnet status are recognized for their commitment to providing high-quality patient care, fostering a positive work environment for nurses, and promoting professional development.

  • High-quality patient care
  • Positive work environment
  • Professional development
  • Rigorous evaluation process
  • Only 6% of US hospitals have Magnet status
  • Prestigious designation
  • Commitment to nursing excellence
  • Recognition of nursing leadership

The Magnet Recognition Program® is a highly competitive program, and only a small percentage of hospitals achieve Magnet status. However, those hospitals that do achieve Magnet status are recognized for their commitment to providing the highest quality of care to their patients.

High-quality patient care

Magnet hospitals are recognized for their commitment to providing high-quality patient care. This commitment is reflected in a number of ways, including:

  • Evidence-based practices

    Magnet hospitals use evidence-based practices to guide their patient care. This means that they use the latest research and best practices to ensure that their patients receive the best possible care.

  • Patient-centered care

    Magnet hospitals focus on providing patient-centered care. This means that they put the patient’s needs first and strive to provide care that is tailored to the individual patient’s needs and preferences.

  • Quality improvement

    Magnet hospitals are committed to continuous quality improvement. This means that they are always looking for ways to improve the quality of their care and to ensure that they are providing the best possible care to their patients.

  • Positive patient outcomes

    Magnet hospitals have been shown to have better patient outcomes than non-Magnet hospitals. This is likely due to the fact that Magnet hospitals are committed to providing high-quality care and to putting the patient’s needs first.

The commitment to high-quality patient care is one of the key reasons why Magnet hospitals are recognized for their excellence. Magnet hospitals are dedicated to providing the best possible care to their patients, and this commitment is reflected in the high quality of care that they provide.

Positive work environment

Magnet hospitals are also recognized for their positive work environment. This environment is characterized by a number of factors, including:

Supportive leadership
Magnet hospitals have supportive leadership that creates a positive and empowering work environment for nurses. This leadership is committed to providing nurses with the resources and support they need to succeed.

Collaboration and teamwork
Magnet hospitals foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork. Nurses work together to provide the best possible care to their patients, and they are supported by a team of other healthcare professionals.

Professional development
Magnet hospitals are committed to professional development for their nurses. They provide opportunities for nurses to learn and grow, and they encourage nurses to participate in research and other professional activities.

Work-life balance
Magnet hospitals recognize the importance of work-life balance for their nurses. They offer flexible work schedules, paid time off, and other benefits that help nurses to balance their work and personal lives.

The positive work environment in Magnet hospitals is one of the key reasons why nurses choose to work at these hospitals. Magnet hospitals are committed to creating a work environment that is supportive, collaborative, and rewarding, and this commitment is reflected in the high job satisfaction rates among nurses at Magnet hospitals.

Professional development

Magnet hospitals are committed to professional development for their nurses. They provide opportunities for nurses to learn and grow, and they encourage nurses to participate in research and other professional activities.

Magnet hospitals offer a variety of professional development opportunities, including:

  • Tuition reimbursement for nurses who want to pursue higher education
  • Mentorship programs that pair experienced nurses with new nurses
  • Leadership development programs that prepare nurses for leadership roles
  • Research opportunities that allow nurses to participate in clinical research and other research projects
  • Conferences and workshops that provide nurses with opportunities to learn about new developments in nursing practice

Magnet hospitals also encourage nurses to participate in professional organizations and to stay up-to-date on the latest nursing research. They provide nurses with the time and resources they need to attend conferences, read journals, and participate in other professional development activities.

The commitment to professional development is one of the key reasons why Magnet hospitals are able to attract and retain top nursing talent. Magnet hospitals recognize that nurses need to be constantly learning and growing in order to provide the best possible care to their patients. By providing nurses with opportunities for professional development, Magnet hospitals are investing in the future of nursing.

Rigorous evaluation process

The Magnet Recognition Program® has a rigorous evaluation process that hospitals must undergo in order to achieve Magnet status. The process includes:

  1. Self-assessment
    Hospitals must first complete a self-assessment to determine if they are ready to apply for Magnet status. The self-assessment is a comprehensive review of the hospital’s nursing practices, policies, and procedures.
  2. Site visit
    If the hospital meets the criteria for Magnet status, they will be invited to participate in a site visit. The site visit is a three-day process during which a team of appraisers from the ANCC will visit the hospital and evaluate its nursing practices firsthand.
  3. Appraisal report
    After the site visit, the appraisers will write an appraisal report that summarizes their findings. The report will identify the hospital’s strengths and weaknesses, and it will make recommendations for improvement.
  4. Decision
    The ANCC’s Magnet Recognition Program® Commission will review the appraisal report and make a decision about whether to grant the hospital Magnet status.

The Magnet Recognition Program®’s rigorous evaluation process ensures that only hospitals that meet the highest standards of nursing care achieve Magnet status. The process is designed to identify hospitals that are committed to providing the best possible care to their patients.

Only 6% of US hospitals have Magnet status

The Magnet Recognition Program® is a highly competitive program, and only a small percentage of hospitals achieve Magnet status. In 2024, only 6% of hospitals in the United States have achieved Magnet status.

There are a number of reasons why so few hospitals achieve Magnet status. The Magnet Recognition Program®’s evaluation process is rigorous, and hospitals must meet high standards of nursing care in order to achieve Magnet status. Additionally, the Magnet Recognition Program® is voluntary, and hospitals are not required to participate in the program.

Despite the challenges, the number of Magnet hospitals has been growing in recent years. This is likely due to the fact that Magnet hospitals are recognized for their high quality of care and their commitment to nursing excellence. Magnet hospitals are also more likely to attract and retain top nursing talent.

The fact that only 6% of US hospitals have Magnet status is a testament to the high standards of the Magnet Recognition Program®. Magnet hospitals are the leaders in nursing care, and they are committed to providing the best possible care to their patients.

Prestigious designation

Magnet status is a prestigious designation that is awarded to hospitals that meet the highest standards of nursing care. Magnet hospitals are recognized for their commitment to providing high-quality patient care, fostering a positive work environment for nurses, and promoting professional development.

  • Recognition of nursing excellence

    Magnet status is a recognition of nursing excellence. Magnet hospitals are recognized for their commitment to providing the best possible care to their patients and for their commitment to creating a positive work environment for nurses.

  • Attracts and retains top nursing talent

    Magnet hospitals are more likely to attract and retain top nursing talent. Nurses are drawn to Magnet hospitals because they know that these hospitals are committed to providing a positive work environment and to supporting nurses in their professional development.

  • Improves patient outcomes

    Magnet hospitals have been shown to have better patient outcomes than non-Magnet hospitals. This is likely due to the fact that Magnet hospitals are committed to providing high-quality care and to putting the patient’s needs first.

  • Boosts hospital reputation

    Magnet status can boost a hospital’s reputation. Magnet hospitals are seen as leaders in nursing care, and they are often sought out by patients who are looking for the best possible care.

Magnet status is a prestigious designation that is awarded to hospitals that are committed to providing the best possible care to their patients. Magnet hospitals are recognized for their nursing excellence, and they are more likely to attract and retain top nursing talent. Magnet status can also boost a hospital’s reputation and improve patient outcomes.

Commitment to nursing excellence

Magnet hospitals are committed to nursing excellence. This commitment is reflected in a number of ways, including:

  • High standards of nursing care
    Magnet hospitals have high standards of nursing care. They use evidence-based practices to guide their patient care, and they are committed to providing patient-centered care.
  • Positive work environment for nurses
    Magnet hospitals create a positive work environment for nurses. They provide nurses with the resources and support they need to succeed, and they foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork.
  • Professional development for nurses
    Magnet hospitals are committed to professional development for nurses. They provide nurses with opportunities to learn and grow, and they encourage nurses to participate in research and other professional activities.
  • Nurse leadership
    Magnet hospitals value nurse leadership. They recognize the importance of nurses in shaping the future of healthcare, and they give nurses a voice in decision-making.

Magnet hospitals’ commitment to nursing excellence is evident in the high quality of care that they provide to their patients. Magnet hospitals are consistently ranked among the best hospitals in the country, and they are known for their patient satisfaction and positive patient outcomes.

Recognition of nursing leadership

Magnet hospitals recognize the importance of nursing leadership. They understand that nurses play a vital role in shaping the future of healthcare, and they give nurses a voice in decision-making.

Magnet hospitals have a strong track record of promoting nurses into leadership positions. Nurses at Magnet hospitals are more likely to be in leadership roles than nurses at non-Magnet hospitals. This is because Magnet hospitals value the contributions of nurses and they recognize that nurses have the skills and expertise to lead.

Nurses in leadership positions at Magnet hospitals have a positive impact on the quality of care that is provided to patients. They are able to use their knowledge and expertise to improve patient outcomes and to create a more positive work environment for nurses.

Magnet hospitals’ recognition of nursing leadership is one of the reasons why they are able to attract and retain top nursing talent. Nurses are drawn to Magnet hospitals because they know that they will have opportunities to lead and to make a difference in the lives of their patients.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Magnet Recognition Program® and Magnet hospitals:

Question 1: What is the Magnet Recognition Program®?
Answer 1: The Magnet Recognition Program® is a prestigious designation awarded to healthcare organizations that demonstrate excellence in nursing care. Magnet hospitals are recognized for their commitment to providing high-quality patient care, fostering a positive work environment for nurses, and promoting professional development.

Question 2: What are the benefits of Magnet status?
Answer 2: Magnet status can benefit hospitals in a number of ways, including:

  • Improved patient outcomes
  • Increased patient satisfaction
  • Reduced nurse turnover
  • Enhanced reputation
  • Increased ability to attract and retain top nursing talent

Question 3: How can a hospital achieve Magnet status?
Answer 3: To achieve Magnet status, a hospital must undergo a rigorous evaluation process that includes a self-assessment and a site visit by a team of appraisers from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).

Question 4: How many hospitals have achieved Magnet status?
Answer 4: As of 2024, only 6% of hospitals in the United States have achieved Magnet status.

Question 5: What are the key characteristics of Magnet hospitals?
Answer 5: Magnet hospitals are characterized by their commitment to high-quality patient care, their positive work environment for nurses, and their commitment to professional development.

Question 6: Why should patients choose a Magnet hospital?
Answer 6: Patients should choose a Magnet hospital because they can be assured that they will receive high-quality care from nurses who are committed to providing the best possible care.

Question 7: Why should nurses choose to work at a Magnet hospital?
Answer 7: Nurses should choose to work at a Magnet hospital because they can be assured that they will work in a positive environment that is supportive of their professional development.

If you have any other questions about the Magnet Recognition Program® or Magnet hospitals, please visit the ANCC website.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are a few tips for choosing a Magnet hospital:


Here are a few tips for choosing a Magnet hospital:

Tip 1: Do your research.
Before you choose a hospital, take some time to research your options. Visit the hospital’s website, read patient reviews, and talk to your doctor or other healthcare providers.

Tip 2: Look for hospitals that are Magnet-designated.
Magnet designation is a prestigious award that is given to hospitals that meet the highest standards of nursing care. Magnet hospitals are more likely to provide high-quality care and to have a positive work environment for nurses.

Tip 3: Consider the hospital’s location and amenities.
When choosing a hospital, it is important to consider its location and amenities. Make sure that the hospital is conveniently located and that it offers the services that you need.

Tip 4: Talk to your doctor or other healthcare providers.
Your doctor or other healthcare providers can help you choose a hospital that is right for you. They can provide you with information about the hospitals in your area and their experiences with those hospitals.

Choosing a hospital can be a difficult decision, but by following these tips, you can choose a hospital that is right for you and your family.

If you are looking for a hospital that provides high-quality care and has a positive work environment for nurses, then you should consider choosing a Magnet hospital.


The Magnet Recognition Program® is a prestigious designation awarded to hospitals that demonstrate excellence in nursing care. Magnet hospitals are recognized for their commitment to providing high-quality patient care, fostering a positive work environment for nurses, and promoting professional development.

Magnet hospitals are more likely to provide high-quality care and to have better patient outcomes than non-Magnet hospitals. This is because Magnet hospitals are committed to evidence-based practices, patient-centered care, and quality improvement.

If you are looking for a hospital that provides the best possible care, then you should consider choosing a Magnet hospital. Magnet hospitals are committed to providing high-quality patient care, fostering a positive work environment for nurses, and promoting professional development.

The Magnet Recognition Program® is a valuable resource for patients and nurses alike. It helps patients to identify hospitals that provide high-quality care, and it helps nurses to find hospitals that are committed to their professional development.

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