New York City Ballot Measures 2024

New York City Ballot Measures 2024

New York City voters are expected to consider several important ballot measures in 2024, which could have significant impacts on the city’s governance, infrastructure, and social policies. These measures address a wide range of issues, including affordable housing, transportation, and criminal justice.

The exact number and specific wording of the ballot measures will be determined by the New York City Council and the city’s Board of Elections. However, some potential measures that are currently being discussed include:

These ballot measures provide New York City voters with an opportunity to directly influence the direction of their city’s future. The outcomes of these measures will shape policies and initiatives that will have lasting impacts on the lives of New Yorkers.

New York City Ballot Measures 2024

New York City voters will have the opportunity to weigh in on a range of important issues in the 2024 election. Several ballot measures are expected to be on the ballot, addressing topics such as affordable housing, transportation, and criminal justice.

  • Affordable housing
  • Transportation improvements
  • Criminal justice reform
  • Education funding
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Healthcare access
  • Taxation

The outcomes of these measures will have a significant impact on the future of New York City. Voters are encouraged to learn about the measures and participate in the electoral process.

Affordable housing

The high cost of housing is a major challenge facing New Yorkers, and it is likely to be a key issue in the 2024 election. Several ballot measures related to affordable housing are expected to be on the ballot, including measures to:

  • Increase funding for the construction and preservation of affordable housing units
  • Provide rent subsidies and other financial assistance to low-income renters
  • Reform zoning laws to make it easier to build affordable housing
  • Protect tenants from eviction and rent gouging

Supporters of these measures argue that they are necessary to address the city’s affordable housing crisis. They point out that the number of affordable housing units in New York City has declined in recent years, while the cost of housing has continued to rise. This has made it increasingly difficult for low-income New Yorkers to find and afford a place to live.

Opponents of these measures argue that they would be too expensive and that they would not be effective in addressing the city’s affordable housing crisis. They also argue that these measures would lead to a decrease in the quality of life for all New Yorkers.

The debate over affordable housing in New York City is complex, and there are no easy solutions. However, the ballot measures that are expected to be on the ballot in 2024 will give voters an opportunity to weigh in on this important issue and to shape the future of affordable housing in the city.

Transportation improvements

New York City’s transportation system is one of the most complex and heavily used in the world. It is also facing a number of challenges, including congestion, aging infrastructure, and environmental concerns. Several ballot measures related to transportation improvements are expected to be on the ballot in 2024, including measures to:

Improve public transportation

This could include measures to increase funding for public transportation, expand service, and improve the quality of service.

Reduce traffic congestion

This could include measures to implement congestion pricing, expand bus lanes, and improve traffic flow.

Promote walking and biking

This could include measures to build more bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, and to make it easier to walk and bike around the city.

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation

This could include measures to electrify the city’s bus fleet, promote the use of electric vehicles, and reduce the number of cars on the road.

Supporters of these measures argue that they are necessary to improve the quality of life for all New Yorkers. They point out that traffic congestion, air pollution, and lack of access to affordable transportation are major problems facing the city. These measures would help to address these problems and make New York City a more livable and sustainable city.

Opponents of these measures argue that they would be too expensive and that they would not be effective in addressing the city’s transportation challenges. They also argue that these measures would lead to a decrease in the quality of life for all New Yorkers.

The debate over transportation improvements in New York City is complex, and there are no easy solutions. However, the ballot measures that are expected to be on the ballot in 2024 will give voters an opportunity to weigh in on this important issue and to shape the future of transportation in the city.

Criminal justice reform

New York City’s criminal justice system has been the subject of much debate in recent years, with many calling for reforms to address issues such as racial disparities, mass incarceration, and police brutality. Several ballot measures related to criminal justice reform are expected to be on the ballot in 2024, including measures to:

  • Reduce the number of people in jail and prison
  • Reform the bail system
  • Increase police accountability
  • Invest in community-based crime prevention programs

Supporters of these measures argue that they are necessary to create a more just and equitable criminal justice system. They point out that the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, and that people of color are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system. They also argue that the bail system is unfair, as it allows wealthy people to buy their way out of jail while poor people are forced to remain in jail even if they are innocent.

Opponents of these measures argue that they would make the city less safe. They argue that reducing the number of people in jail and prison would lead to an increase in crime. They also argue that reforming the bail system would allow dangerous criminals to go free.

The debate over criminal justice reform in New York City is complex, and there are no easy solutions. However, the ballot measures that are expected to be on the ballot in 2024 will give voters an opportunity to weigh in on this important issue and to shape the future of criminal justice in the city.

Education funding

New York City’s public schools are the largest school system in the United States, serving over 1 million students. The city spends billions of dollars on education each year, but there is still a debate over whether schools are receiving enough funding to meet the needs of students.

Increase funding for public schools

This could include measures to increase the city’s budget for education, or to raise taxes to generate more revenue for schools.

Reform the way that schools are funded

This could include measures to create a more equitable funding formula, or to provide more funding to schools in underserved communities.

Provide more support for early childhood education

This could include measures to expand access to pre-kindergarten and other early childhood programs.

Invest in teacher training and development

This could include measures to provide more professional development opportunities for teachers, or to increase teacher salaries.

Supporters of these measures argue that they are necessary to improve the quality of education for all New York City students. They point out that many schools are overcrowded and underfunded, and that teachers are underpaid. They also argue that investing in early childhood education and teacher training can lead to better outcomes for students in the long run.

Opponents of these measures argue that they would be too expensive and that they would not be effective in improving the quality of education. They also argue that these measures would lead to higher taxes or cuts to other important programs.

The debate over education funding in New York City is complex, and there are no easy solutions. However, the ballot measures that are expected to be on the ballot in 2024 will give voters an opportunity to weigh in on this important issue and to shape the future of education in the city.

Climate change mitigation

New York City is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as sea level rise, extreme weather events, and heat waves. The city has set ambitious goals to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a clean energy economy.

Invest in renewable energy

This could include measures to install solar panels on city buildings, or to provide incentives for businesses and residents to switch to renewable energy sources.

Improve energy efficiency

This could include measures to weatherize buildings, or to upgrade to more energy-efficient appliances.

Reduce transportation emissions

This could include measures to promote walking, biking, and public transportation, or to electrify the city’s vehicle fleet.

Invest in climate adaptation and resilience

This could include measures to build seawalls and other infrastructure to protect the city from sea level rise and other climate-related hazards.

Supporters of these measures argue that they are necessary to protect New York City from the effects of climate change. They point out that climate change is already having a significant impact on the city, and that these measures are needed to avoid even more severe consequences in the future.

Opponents of these measures argue that they would be too expensive and that they would not be effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They also argue that these measures would lead to higher energy costs for businesses and residents.

The debate over climate change mitigation in New York City is complex, and there are no easy solutions. However, the ballot measures that are expected to be on the ballot in 2024 will give voters an opportunity to weigh in on this important issue and to shape the future of climate policy in the city.

Healthcare access

New York City is home to a diverse population with a wide range of healthcare needs. However, many New Yorkers face barriers to accessing affordable and quality healthcare, including high costs, lack of insurance, and limited access to providers.

Expand health insurance coverage

This could include measures to create a public health insurance option, or to expand Medicaid eligibility.

Reduce the cost of healthcare

This could include measures to regulate drug prices, or to provide subsidies for healthcare costs.

Improve access to healthcare providers

This could include measures to increase the number of healthcare providers in underserved communities, or to provide transportation to healthcare appointments.

Promote preventative care and wellness

This could include measures to provide free or low-cost screenings and vaccinations, or to expand access to healthy food and physical activity.

Supporters of these measures argue that they are necessary to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to affordable and quality healthcare. They point out that healthcare is a basic human right, and that everyone should have the opportunity to live a healthy life.

Opponents of these measures argue that they would be too expensive and that they would lead to higher taxes. They also argue that these measures would reduce the quality of healthcare and lead to longer wait times for appointments.

The debate over healthcare access in New York City is complex, and there are no easy solutions. However, the ballot measures that are expected to be on the ballot in 2024 will give voters an opportunity to weigh in on this important issue and to shape the future of healthcare in the city.


New York City’s tax system is complex and progressive, with higher tax rates for higher earners. However, there is debate over whether the city’s tax system is fair and equitable.

Some argue that the city’s tax system is too burdensome for businesses and residents, and that it stifles economic growth. They argue that the city should reduce taxes to attract new businesses and create jobs.

Others argue that the city’s tax system is necessary to fund essential services, such as education, healthcare, and transportation. They argue that the city should increase taxes on the wealthy to generate more revenue for these services.

The debate over taxation in New York City is complex, and there are no easy solutions. However, the ballot measures that are expected to be on the ballot in 2024 will give voters an opportunity to weigh in on this important issue and to shape the future of taxation in the city.

Some potential ballot measures related to taxation that could be on the ballot in 2024 include:

  • A measure to reduce the city’s income tax rate
  • A measure to increase the city’s sales tax rate
  • A measure to create a new tax on sugary drinks
  • A measure to provide a tax break for businesses that create new jobs

The specific wording and details of these measures will be determined by the New York City Council and the city’s Board of Elections.


The following are some frequently asked questions about the New York City Ballot Measures 2024:

Question 1: When will the 2024 ballot measures be voted on?
Answer 1: The 2024 ballot measures will be voted on in the general election on November 5, 2024.

Question 2: Who is eligible to vote on the ballot measures?
Answer 2: All registered voters in New York City are eligible to vote on the ballot measures.

Question 3: Where can I find more information about the ballot measures?
Answer 3: The New York City Board of Elections website has more information about the ballot measures, including the full text of each measure and arguments for and against each measure.

Question 4: What is the deadline to register to vote in the 2024 election?
Answer 4: The deadline to register to vote in the 2024 election is October 14, 2024.

Question 5: Can I vote early in the 2024 election?
Answer 5: Yes, early voting for the 2024 election will begin on October 26, 2024.

Question 6: What is the process for voting on the ballot measures?
Answer 6: When you vote on the ballot measures, you will be asked to vote “yes” or “no” on each measure. A “yes” vote means that you support the measure, and a “no” vote means that you oppose the measure.

Question 7: What happens if a ballot measure is approved by voters?
Answer 7: If a ballot measure is approved by voters, it will become law in New York City.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the New York City Ballot Measures 2024. For more information, please visit the New York City Board of Elections website.

In addition to the FAQ above, here are some tips for voting on the ballot measures:


Here are some tips for voting on the New York City Ballot Measures 2024:

1. Do your research. Before you vote on the ballot measures, it is important to do your research and learn about each measure. This will help you make informed decisions about how to vote.

2. Attend a public forum. Many organizations will be hosting public forums to discuss the ballot measures. Attending a public forum is a great way to learn more about the measures and to hear from different perspectives.

3. Talk to your friends and neighbors. Talk to your friends, neighbors, and family members about the ballot measures. This can help you to get different perspectives on the measures and to make more informed decisions about how to vote.

4. Make a plan to vote. On Election Day, make sure you have a plan to vote. This includes knowing where your polling place is and when it is open. You can also request a mail-in ballot if you prefer to vote from home.

By following these tips, you can make sure that you are informed and prepared to vote on the New York City Ballot Measures 2024.

The New York City Ballot Measures 2024 are an important opportunity for voters to weigh in on the future of their city. By doing your research, attending public forums, and talking to your friends and neighbors, you can make sure that your voice is heard on Election Day.


The New York City Ballot Measures 2024 will give voters an opportunity to weigh in on a range of important issues facing the city, including affordable housing, transportation, criminal justice, education, climate change, healthcare, and taxation. These measures have the potential to shape the future of New York City for years to come.

It is important for voters to educate themselves about the ballot measures and to participate in the electoral process. By doing so, voters can make their voices heard and help to determine the direction of their city.

The New York City Ballot Measures 2024 are an important opportunity for voters to shape the future of their city. By voting on these measures, voters can help to make New York City a more just, equitable, and sustainable city for all.

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