Paladins Review 2024

Paladins Review 2024

Paladins is a free-to-play, team-based first-person shooter video game developed by Evil Mojo Games and published by Hi-Rez Studios. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch in 2018. Paladins is a hero shooter game, in which players choose from a roster of over 50 champions, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles.

Paladins has been praised for its fast-paced gameplay, diverse roster of characters, and free-to-play model. However, the game has also been criticized for its lack of content at launch and its reliance on microtransactions. Despite these criticisms, Paladins remains a popular free-to-play hero shooter game.

In this review, we will take a look at the current state of Paladins in 2024. We will discuss the game’s strengths and weaknesses, and we will give our overall verdict on the game.

Paladins Review 2024

Here are 9 important points about Paladins Review 2024:

  • Free-to-play hero shooter
  • Over 50 unique champions
  • Fast-paced gameplay
  • Diverse roster of characters
  • Lack of content at launch
  • Reliance on microtransactions
  • Popular free-to-play hero shooter
  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Overall verdict

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Free-to-play hero shooter

Paladins is a free-to-play hero shooter game. This means that the game is free to download and play, and players do not have to pay any money to access the game’s content. However, Paladins does offer microtransactions, which allow players to purchase cosmetic items and other in-game content.

One of the benefits of Paladins’ free-to-play model is that it makes the game accessible to a wide range of players. Players do not have to worry about spending money to access the game’s content, and they can simply download and play the game for free. This makes Paladins a great option for players who are looking for a free-to-play hero shooter game.

However, there are also some drawbacks to Paladins’ free-to-play model. One of the biggest drawbacks is that the game can be grindy. Players who want to unlock new champions and other in-game content will need to spend a lot of time playing the game. Additionally, Paladins’ microtransactions can be expensive. Some of the game’s cosmetic items can cost up to $20 or more.

Overall, Paladins’ free-to-play model is a mixed bag. On the one hand, the game is free to download and play, which makes it accessible to a wide range of players. On the other hand, the game can be grindy, and the microtransactions can be expensive.

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Over 50 unique champions

Paladins has a roster of over 50 unique champions. Each champion has their own unique abilities and playstyles, which makes for a diverse and exciting gameplay experience. Some of the most popular champions include:

* **Androxus** – A high-mobility flank champion with a powerful pistol and a variety of movement abilities.
* **Barik** – A tank champion with a deployable turret and a variety of defensive abilities.
* **Cassie** – A long-range damage champion with a powerful bow and a variety of mobility abilities.
* **Fernando** – A tank champion with a flamethrower and a variety of defensive abilities.
* **Grohk** – A support champion with a healing totem and a variety of utility abilities.
* **Kinessa** – A long-range damage champion with a powerful sniper rifle and a variety of mobility abilities.
* **Makoa** – A tank champion with a hook and a variety of crowd control abilities.
* **Pip** – A support champion with a healing potion and a variety of utility abilities.
* **Ruckus** – A tank champion with a minigun and a variety of mobility abilities.
* **Viktor** – A damage champion with an assault rifle and a variety of utility abilities.

With so many unique champions to choose from, there is sure to be a champion that suits every player’s playstyle. Players can experiment with different champions to find the ones that they enjoy playing the most.

Paladins’ champions are also constantly being updated and balanced. This ensures that the game’s meta is constantly evolving, and that there is always something new to learn and master.

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Fast-paced gameplay

Paladins is a fast-paced hero shooter game. The game’s matches are typically short and action-packed, and there is always something happening. Players will need to be quick on their feet and have good reflexes in order to succeed in Paladins.

One of the things that makes Paladins so fast-paced is the game’s small maps. The maps are designed to be compact and easy to navigate, which means that players can quickly get from one point to another. This makes for a more intense and action-packed gameplay experience.

Another thing that contributes to Paladins’ fast-paced gameplay is the game’s respawn system. When a player dies, they will respawn at their team’s base after a short delay. This means that players can quickly get back into the action after dying, which keeps the game moving at a fast pace.

The fast-paced gameplay of Paladins can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it makes for a more exciting and action-packed gameplay experience. On the other hand, it can be difficult for new players to keep up with the pace of the game.

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Diverse roster of characters

Paladins has a diverse roster of characters, with each character having their own unique abilities and playstyles. This diversity makes Paladins a more enjoyable and replayable game, as players can experiment with different characters to find the ones that they enjoy playing the most.

  • Variety of roles

    Paladins’ characters are divided into four different roles: damage, flank, support, and tank. Each role has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and players will need to learn how to play each role effectively in order to succeed in the game.

  • Unique abilities

    Each character in Paladins has their own unique abilities, which makes for a more diverse and interesting gameplay experience. Some characters have abilities that deal damage, while others have abilities that support their teammates. Players will need to learn how to use each character’s abilities effectively in order to succeed in the game.

  • Different playstyles

    The different characters in Paladins also have different playstyles. Some characters are more aggressive and are meant to be played in the front lines, while others are more passive and are meant to be played in the back lines. Players will need to learn how to play each character’s playstyle effectively in order to succeed in the game.

  • Constant updates

    Paladins’ roster of characters is constantly being updated, with new characters being added on a regular basis. This keeps the game fresh and exciting, as players always have something new to learn and master.

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Lack of content at launch

Paladins was released in 2018, and at the time of its launch, the game had a lack of content. The game only had a few maps and game modes, and there were only a limited number of champions to choose from. This made the game feel repetitive and grindy, and it turned off many potential players.

However, Hi-Rez Studios has since added a significant amount of content to Paladins. The game now has over 10 maps and game modes, and there are over 50 champions to choose from. This has made the game much more diverse and replayable, and it has helped to attract new players.

Despite the fact that Paladins has added a lot of content since its launch, the game still lacks some features that are common in other hero shooters. For example, Paladins does not have a ranked mode, and there is no way to track player statistics. These features are important for competitive players, and their absence has made it difficult for Paladins to attract a large competitive scene.

Overall, Paladins has come a long way since its launch. The game now has a lot more content, and it is much more diverse and replayable. However, the game still lacks some features that are common in other hero shooters, and this has made it difficult for Paladins to attract a large competitive scene.

Reliance on microtransactions

Paladins is a free-to-play game, which means that the game is free to download and play. However, Paladins does offer microtransactions, which allow players to purchase cosmetic items and other in-game content. These microtransactions are not necessary to play the game, but they can give players an advantage over other players who do not spend money on the game.

One of the biggest criticisms of Paladins is its reliance on microtransactions. Some players feel that the game is pay-to-win, and that players who spend more money on microtransactions will have an advantage over other players. Hi-Rez Studios has stated that this is not the case, and that all players can achieve success in the game without spending any money.

However, there is some evidence to suggest that Paladins is pay-to-win. For example, some of the best champions in the game can only be purchased with microtransactions. Additionally, some of the most powerful items in the game can only be purchased with microtransactions.

Overall, Paladins is a fun and exciting game to play. However, the game’s reliance on microtransactions is a major concern. Players who are not willing to spend money on the game may be at a disadvantage compared to players who do spend money.

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Popular free-to-play hero shooter

Paladins is a popular free-to-play hero shooter game. The game has over 50 million registered players, and it is one of the most popular hero shooter games on the market.

  • Free to play

    Paladins is free to download and play, which makes it accessible to a wide range of players. Players do not have to spend any money to access the game’s content, and they can simply download and play the game for free.

  • Cross-platform play

    Paladins is available on multiple platforms, including PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. This allows players to play with their friends regardless of what platform they are on.

  • Regular updates

    Hi-Rez Studios is constantly updating Paladins with new content and features. This keeps the game fresh and exciting, and it ensures that there is always something new to learn and master.

  • Active community

    Paladins has a large and active community of players. This community is very supportive and helpful, and it is always willing to help new players learn the game.

Overall, Paladins is a popular free-to-play hero shooter game that is accessible to a wide range of players. The game is constantly being updated with new content and features, and it has a large and active community of players.

Strengths and weaknesses

Paladins has a number of strengths and weaknesses that set it apart from other hero shooter games.

  • Strengths
    • Free to play
    • Cross-platform play
    • Regular updates
    • Active community
    • Diverse roster of characters
    • Fast-paced gameplay
  • Weaknesses
    • Lack of content at launch
    • Reliance on microtransactions
    • No ranked mode
    • No way to track player statistics

Overall, Paladins is a solid hero shooter game with a number of strengths and weaknesses. The game is free to play, has cross-platform play, and is constantly being updated. However, the game lacks some features that are common in other hero shooter games, such as a ranked mode and a way to track player statistics.

Overall verdict

Paladins is a solid hero shooter game with a number of strengths and weaknesses. The game is free to play, has cross-platform play, and is constantly being updated. However, the game lacks some features that are common in other hero shooter games, such as a ranked mode and a way to track player statistics.

  • Strengths
    • Free to play
    • Cross-platform play
    • Regular updates
    • Active community
    • Diverse roster of characters
    • Fast-paced gameplay
  • Weaknesses
    • Lack of content at launch
    • Reliance on microtransactions
    • No ranked mode
    • No way to track player statistics

Overall, Paladins is a good option for players who are looking for a free-to-play hero shooter game. The game has a lot to offer, including a diverse roster of characters, fast-paced gameplay, and regular updates. However, the game does have some weaknesses, such as a lack of content at launch and a reliance on microtransactions.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Paladins:

Question 1: Is Paladins free to play?
Answer 1: Yes, Paladins is free to download and play. However, the game does offer microtransactions, which allow players to purchase cosmetic items and other in-game content.

Question 2: What platforms is Paladins available on?
Answer 2: Paladins is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Question 3: Does Paladins have cross-platform play?
Answer 3: Yes, Paladins has cross-platform play between all platforms.

Question 4: What is the best way to learn Paladins?
Answer 4: The best way to learn Paladins is by playing the game’s tutorial and practicing in the training mode. There are also a number of online resources that can help new players learn the game.

Question 5: What are some tips for playing Paladins?
Answer 5: Some tips for playing Paladins include:

  • Learn the different roles and champions.
  • Practice your aim and movement.
  • Communicate with your team.
  • Don’t give up!

Question 6: What is the future of Paladins?
Answer 6: Hi-Rez Studios is constantly updating Paladins with new content and features. The future of Paladins looks bright, as the game continues to grow in popularity.

We hope this FAQ has been helpful. Please let us know if you have any other questions.


Here are some tips to help you improve your Paladins skills:

Tip 1: Learn the different roles and champions.
Paladins has four different roles: damage, flank, support, and tank. Each role has its own unique set of abilities and playstyles. It is important to learn the different roles and champions in order to find the ones that you enjoy playing the most.

Tip 2: Practice your aim and movement.
Paladins is a fast-paced game that requires good aim and movement skills. You can practice your aim in the training mode or by playing against AI. You can also improve your movement skills by learning the different maps and by watching professional players.

Tip 3: Communicate with your team.
Paladins is a team game, so it is important to communicate with your team. Let your team know what you are doing and what you need them to do. You can use the in-game voice chat or the text chat to communicate with your team.

Tip 4: Don’t give up!
Paladins is a challenging game, but it is also very fun. Don’t give up if you lose a few games. Just keep playing and learning, and you will eventually improve your skills.

We hope these tips have been helpful. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

We hope this article has been helpful. Please let us know if you have any other questions.


Paladins is a solid hero shooter game with a number of strengths and weaknesses. The game is free to play, has cross-platform play, and is constantly being updated. However, the game lacks some features that are common in other hero shooter games, such as a ranked mode and a way to track player statistics.

Overall, Paladins is a good option for players who are looking for a free-to-play hero shooter game. The game has a lot to offer, including a diverse roster of characters, fast-paced gameplay, and regular updates. However, the game does have some weaknesses, such as a lack of content at launch and a reliance on microtransactions.

We hope this review has been helpful. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

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