Rockport Hummingbird Festival 2024

Rockport Hummingbird Festival 2024

The Rockport Hummingbird Festival is an annual event that celebrates the arrival of the hummingbirds in Rockport, Texas. The festival is held in the spring when the hummingbirds are most active, and it features a variety of activities for all ages.

The festival kicks off with a parade, featuring floats decorated with hummingbirds and other springtime themes. There is also a hummingbird banding station, where visitors can learn about the hummingbirds and get a close-up look at these tiny creatures. The festival also features a variety of vendors selling hummingbird-related merchandise, as well as food and drinks.

Rockport Hummingbird Festival 2024

The Rockport Hummingbird Festival is an annual event that spans over multiple days and offers a wide range of activities for visitors to enjoy. Here are 9 important points to know about the festival:

  • Parade with hummingbird-themed floats
  • Hummingbird banding station
  • Vendors selling hummingbird-related items
  • Food and drinks available for purchase
  • Educational programs about hummingSingleton
  • Live music and entertainment
  • Contests and games
  • Family-friendly activities
  • Free admission

The Rockport Hummingbird Festival is a great way to learn more about humming birds and enjoy the springtime weather. With a variety of activities to choose from, there’s something for everyone at this festival.

Parade with hummingbird-themed floats

The parade is one of the highlights of the Rockport Hummingbird Festival. It features floats decorated with hummingbirds and other springtime themes. The floats are created by local businesses, organizations, and individuals, and they compete for prizes in a variety of categories.

  • Creativity

    The creativity category is awarded to the float that best demonstrates originality and creativity in its design and construction.

  • Craftsmanship

    The craftsmanship category is awarded to the float that is best constructed and finished.

  • Overall Impression

    The overall impression category is awarded to the float that makes the best overall impression on the judges.

  • People’s Choice

    The people’s choice category is awarded to the float that receives the most votes from the festival attendees.

The parade is a great way to see the creativity of the Rockport community and to get into the springtime spirit. It’s also a great opportunity to see hummingbirds up close, as many of the floats feature live hummingbirds.

Hummingbird banding station

The hummingbird banding station is one of the most popular attractions at the Rockport Hummingbird Festival. Visitors can watch as trained banders carefully capture and band hummingbirds. Banding is a vital research tool that helps scientists learn more about hummingbird migration patterns,壽命, and other aspects of their biology.

  • How does banding work?

    Hummingbirds are captured using a fine mesh net. Once captured, the bander will carefully remove the hummingbird from the net and place it in a small cloth bag. The bander will then attach a small metal band to the hummingbird’s leg. The band has a unique identification number that allows researchers to track the hummingbird’s movements and壽命.

  • Why is banding important?

    Banding helps scientists learn more about hummingbird migration patterns. By tracking the movements of banded hummingbirds, scientists can learn where they breed, winter, and stopover during migration. Banding also helps scientists learn about hummingbird壽命 and survival rates. By recapturing banded hummingbirds, scientists can learn how long they live and what factors affect their survival.

  • Is banding harmful to hummingbirds?

    No, banding is not harmful to hummingbirds. The bands are made of a lightweight metal that does not interfere with the hummingbird’s flight or feeding. The banding process is also very quick and does not cause the hummingbird any distress.

  • How can I participate?

    Visitors to the Rockport Hummingbird Festival can participate in the banding process by observing the banders and asking questions. Visitors can also learn more about hummingbirds and the importance of banding by attending educational programs at the festival.

The hummingbird banding station is a great way to learn more about these amazing creatures and to contribute to scientific research.

Vendors selling hummingbird-related items

The Rockport Hummingbird Festival features a variety of vendors selling hummingbird-related items. These items include:

Hummingbird feeders
Hummingbird feeders are essential for attracting hummingbirds to your yard. There are many different types of feeders available, so you can choose one that best suits your needs. Be sure to choose a feeder that is easy to clean and fill, and that has a perch for the hummingbirds to land on.

Hummingbird food
Hummingbirds eat nectar, which is a sugary liquid found in flowers. You can make your own hummingbird food by mixing 1 part sugar with 4 parts water. Be sure to use plain white sugar, and do not use honey or artificial sweeteners.

Hummingbird houses
Hummingbirds need a place to nest and raise their young. You can provide a home for hummingbirds by putting up a hummingbird house in your yard. Hummingbird houses are typically made of wood or plastic, and they have a small hole for the hummingbirds to enter.

Hummingbird gifts
In addition to feeders, food, and houses, you can also find a variety of hummingbird-themed gifts at the festival. These gifts include t-shirts, mugs, jewelry, and other items. Hummingbird gifts are a great way to show your love for these amazing creatures.

Whether you’re looking for a new hummingbird feeder, some hummingbird food, or a unique hummingbird gift, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for at the Rockport Hummingbird Festival.

Food and drinks available for purchase

The Rockport Hummingbird Festival offers a variety of food and drinks for purchase. Visitors can enjoy a variety of snacks, meals, and desserts, as well as beer, wine, and soft drinks.

Some of the food and drink options available at the festival include:

  • Snacks

    Popcorn, chips, pretzels, candy, and other snacks are available for purchase at the festival. These snacks are perfect for a quick bite to eat while you’re enjoying the festival.

  • Meals

    A variety of meals are available for purchase at the festival, including hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken tenders, and tacos. These meals are perfect for a quick and easy lunch or dinner.

  • Desserts

    A variety of desserts are available for purchase at the festival, including funnel cakes, cotton candy, and ice cream. These desserts are the perfect way to end your day at the festival.

  • Beer, wine, and soft drinks

    Beer, wine, and soft drinks are available for purchase at the festival. Visitors can enjoy a cold drink while they’re enjoying the festival.

The food and drinks available at the Rockport Hummingbird Festival are sure to please everyone. Whether you’re looking for a quick snack or a full meal, you’re sure to find something to your taste.

Educational programs about hummingbirds
Live music and entertainment

In addition to the parade, hummingbird banding station, vendors, and food and drinks, the Rockport Hummingbird Festival also offers a variety of educational programs and live music and entertainment.

Educational programs about hummingbirds

  • Hummingbird lectures

    Hummingbird experts will give lectures on a variety of topics, including hummingbird migration, feeding habits, and nesting behavior.

  • Hummingbird workshops

    Hummingbird workshops will provide participants with hands-on experience with hummingbirds. Participants will learn how to identify hummingbirds, how to attract hummingbirds to their yards, and how to care for hummingbirds.

  • Hummingbird field trips

    Hummingbird field trips will take participants to local areas where they can observe hummingbirds in their natural habitat.

  • Hummingbird photography workshops

    Hummingbird photography workshops will teach participants how to take stunning photographs of hummingbirds.

Live music and entertainment

  • Live music

    Local musicians will perform live music throughout the festival. The music will range from acoustic to rock to country.

  • Children’s entertainment

    Children’s entertainers will provide a variety of activities for children, including face painting, balloon animals, and games.

  • Arts and crafts

    Local artists and craftspeople will sell their work at the festival. Visitors can find a variety of hummingbird-themed art and crafts, as well as other unique items.

The Rockport Hummingbird Festival offers something for everyone. Whether you’re interested in learning more about hummingbirds, enjoying live music and entertainment, or shopping for unique gifts, you’re sure to have a great time at the festival.

Contests and games

The Rockport Hummingbird Festival offers a variety of contests and games for all ages. These contests and games are a great way to have fun and win prizes.

Some of the contests and games available at the festival include:

  • Hummingbird calling contest

    Participants in the hummingbird calling contest will attempt to attract hummingbirds to a feeder using a variety of calls and noises. The participant who attracts the most hummingbirds to their feeder will win a prize.

  • Hummingbird photography contest

    Participants in the hummingbird photography contest will submit their best photographs of hummingbirds. The photographs will be judged on their technical merit and their artistic value. The winner of the contest will receive a prize.

  • Hummingbird trivia contest

    Participants in the hummingbird trivia contest will test their knowledge of hummingbirds. The participant who answers the most questions correctly will win a prize.

  • Hummingbird costume contest

    Participants in the hummingbird costume contest will dress up in their best hummingbird costumes. The costumes will be judged on their creativity and their originality. The winner of the contest will receive a prize.

In addition to these contests, the festival also offers a variety of games for children and adults. These games include:

  • Hummingbird beanbag toss

    Participants in the hummingbird beanbag toss will try to toss beanbags into a hole cut out of a piece of plywood. The hole will be decorated to look like a hummingbird.

  • Hummingbird ring toss

    Participants in the hummingbird ring toss will try to toss rings onto a set of pegs. The pegs will be decorated to look like hummingbirds.

  • Hummingbird cornhole

    Participants in the hummingbird cornhole will try to toss beanbags into a hole cut out of a piece of plywood. The hole will be decorated to look like a hummingbird.

The contests and games at the Rockport Hummingbird Festival are a great way to have fun and win prizes. Whether you’re a child or an adult, you’re sure to find something to enjoy.

Family-friendly activities

The Rockport Hummingbird Festival is a family-friendly event with a variety of activities for children of all ages. These activities include:

  • Hummingbird face painting

    Children can have their faces painted to look like hummingbirds. This is a great way for children to get into the spirit of the festival.

  • Hummingbird balloon animals

    Children can get balloon animals made to look like hummingbirds. This is a fun way for children to take home a souvenir from the festival.

  • Hummingbird games

    Children can play a variety of hummingbird-themed games, such as hummingbird beanbag toss and hummingbird ring toss. These games are a great way for children to have fun and learn about hummingbirds.

  • Hummingbird crafts

    Children can make a variety of hummingbird-themed crafts, such as hummingbird masks and hummingbird feeders. These crafts are a great way for children to be creative and learn about hummingbirds.

In addition to these activities, the festival also offers a variety of educational programs about hummingbirds. These programs are a great way for children to learn more about these amazing creatures.

The Rockport Hummingbird Festival is a great place for families to come and enjoy a day of fun and learning. With a variety of activities for children of all ages, there’s something for everyone at the festival.

Free admission

One of the best things about the Rockport Hummingbird Festival is that it is free to attend. This means that families can come and enjoy a day of fun and learning without having to worry about spending a lot of money.

There are a few things that are not free at the festival, such as food and drinks, and some of the activities. However, the majority of the activities are free, including the parade, the hummingbird banding station, the vendors, and the educational programs.

The Rockport Hummingbird Festival is a great value for families. With free admission and a variety of activities for children of all ages, there’s something for everyone at the festival.

Here are some tips for saving money at the festival:

  • Bring your own food and drinks.
  • Take advantage of the free activities.
  • Look for discounts on food and drinks at local restaurants.
  • Consider staying at a nearby hotel that offers free breakfast.

With a little planning, you can easily have a fun and affordable day at the Rockport Hummingbird Festival.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Rockport Hummingbird Festival:

Question 1: When and where is the festival?
Answer 1: The Rockport Hummingbird Festival will be held on [Dates] in Rockport, Texas.

Question 2: How much does it cost to attend the festival?
Answer 2: Admission to the festival is free.

Question 3: What are the hours of the festival?
Answer 3: The festival will be open from [Start Time] to [End Time] on [Dates].

Question 4: What are some of the activities at the festival?
Answer 4: The festival will feature a variety of activities, including a parade, a hummingbird banding station, vendors, food and drinks, educational programs, live music and entertainment, contests and games, and family-friendly activities.

Question 5: Are pets allowed at the festival?
Answer 5: Pets are not allowed at the festival.

Question 6: Is there parking available at the festival?
Answer 6: Yes, there is free parking available at the festival.

Question 7: What should I bring to the festival?
Answer 7: You should bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, comfortable shoes, and a water bottle. You may also want to bring a camera to take pictures of the hummingbirds.

We hope this FAQ has answered your questions about the Rockport Hummingbird Festival. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

Now that you know all about the Rockport Hummingbird Festival, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your visit:


Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your visit to the Rockport Hummingbird Festival:

Tip 1: Arrive early.
The festival gets crowded, so it’s best to arrive early to get a good parking spot and to avoid the lines. The festival opens at [Start Time], so aim to arrive at least 30 minutes early.

Tip 2: Wear comfortable shoes.
You’ll be doing a lot of walking at the festival, so make sure to wear comfortable shoes. The festival is held on grass, so avoid wearing heels or sandals with thin straps.

Tip 3: Bring sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses.
The festival is held outdoors, so it’s important to protect yourself from the sun. Bring sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to keep yourself cool and protected.

Tip 4: Bring a camera.
The Rockport Hummingbird Festival is a great place to take pictures of hummingbirds. Bring a camera to capture all of the amazing sights and sounds of the festival.

We hope these tips help you have a fun and memorable visit to the Rockport Hummingbird Festival.

The Rockport Hummingbird Festival is a great place to learn about hummingbirds and to enjoy a day of fun and entertainment. With a variety of activities for all ages, there’s something for everyone at the festival.


The Rockport Hummingbird Festival is a celebration of the arrival of the hummingbirds in Rockport, Texas. The festival features a variety of activities for all ages, including a parade, a hummingbird banding station, vendors, food and drinks, educational programs, live music and entertainment, contests and games, and family-friendly activities.

The festival is a great way to learn more about hummingbirds and to enjoy a day of fun and entertainment. With free admission and a variety of activities, there’s something for everyone at the festival.

We hope to see you at the Rockport Hummingbird Festival in 2024!

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